Quiz & Resources


Take the IPLD Quiz after covering the pre-requisite content to gauge your understanding.

Further Reading / Watching

People & Community



Public meetings:

  • Public meeting every two weeks - open Zoom for anyone to join w/ broadcast to IPFS channel on YouTube. Details @ github.com/ipld/team-mgmt. Casual sync and chat, everyone welcome to join and discuss or lurk.


  • Eric Myhre - primary IPLD steward (Go) - always keen for a chat about IPLD, highly recommended for engineers wanting to deepen their formal understanding of anything IPLD - book a 1:1 for a casual chat.
  • Rod Vagg (eng JS, Go)
  • Daniel Marti (eng Go)
  • Volker Mische (eng JS, Rust)
  • Mikeal Rogers
  • Will Scott