About Launchpad

Protocol Labs Network (PLN) Launchpad is a four-week onboarding program to train, onboard, and connect teams, projects, and companies across the PL Network. In the Launchpad curriculum, you will learn about the Protocol Labs Network and its core open source technologies: IPFS, IPLD, libp2p, Filecoin, and more. Our curriculum allows you to take a shallow or deep dive into technical topics and PLN projects. While you are learning, work with your teeam on something you can create using your new web3 knowledge to share with the PL Network during an upcoming demo day!

Launchpad cohorts help onboard a broad community of primed talent into PL Network teams - and also grow our network engineering culture, strong community bonds, and solid cross-functional knowledge of various parts of the PL Network tools and protocols.

See an issue or opportunity with the curriculum? Create a Github Issue or make a PR

Launchpad Principles